LEDCOM International delivers lighting facilities for the new PoliHub offices in Milan, Via Durando 38.

LEDCOM International is proud to announce the timely completion of the lighting facilities for the new PoliHub offices in Milan, Via Durando 38. The offices are now ready to host more Start-up and Scale-up companies selected by the prestigious incubator. The entire LED lighting facilities and its accessories were supplied by LEDCOM International. We are …

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LEDCOM International granted two patents for the US market

LEDCOM International is incredibly excited to announce that the USPTO (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) issued Patent n. US 10651737 B2 for LEDCOM’s ‘WiLite’ Electronic Controller and patent n. US10652959 B2 for LEDCOM’s ‘Ledbuck’ Switching Converter Circuit, covering the entire US territory. Mauro Tosi, LEDCOM founder and CEO, stated that: “… this important achievement follows …

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